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Helper methods for files.


List files and directories in a container.

Note: Does not work for listing file contents unless your using LXD > 3.0.0, so should be used only to list directories, see pull method below on how to fetch them.

Parameters & Call

Parameter Type Description Default
remote string LXD remote local
container string Container name
path string Container directory path
mutator function Mutation function
$client->lxd->containers->files->list('local', 'container-name', '/');




Upload files or folders into the container.

Parameters & Call

Parameter Type Description Default
remote string LXD remote local
container string Container name
source string Local file/folder path
path string Container file path

Note: If both the source and the path parameters are folders, the method will recursively upload, otherwise it will set mode 755 if folder or 644 if file. All files are uploaded as uid/gid root user.

// single file
$client->lxd->containers->files->push('local', 'my-container', '/local/path/to/file.ext', '/path/to/file.ext');

// entire directory
$client->lxd->containers->files->push('local', 'my-container', '/local/path/to/folder', '/path/to/folder');




Download a file from the container.

Note: We use lxc file pull as there is a bug which prevents accessing the file with files endpoint though lxc query. Its fixed in LXD > 3.0.0, so will be converted to use that in future.

Parameters & Call

Parameter Type Description Default
remote string LXD remote local
container string Container name
path string Container file path
$client->lxd->containers->files->pull('local', 'my-container', '/path/to/file');

Because with file pull you cant output to stdout, we need to pull the file then cat it, so a folder structure is created based upon the path.

Example above would create: ./.files/local/my-container/path/to/file


The file contents
